Not just meditation!

What is the technology or technique that you use for your therapy,asked me a teacher with the spiritual cult.Cult! I often keep asking myself too,could there be one technique of sorting out the mental and physical challenges that we all go through. 

Varun a budding photographer was sharing his concern and restlessness about his partner coming back to his life after 10 years of relationship.The therapy session reflected not just the source of his restlessness that was his anxiety,but also the pain of rejection.The moment we can observeand understandis the moment the healing takes place. It needs to be worked out.

Role modelling, asking powerful questions,reflectingon thoughts,feelings and behaviours are some of the important tools that work in a different situation and therapies.At times all you need to do is to convince the client just to sitwith himself or herself for a moment.This is challenging.Amit when he did it for the first time,found it hard to sit even for a minute. How is this  even  going to sort out my anxiety.The baby steps go a long way,practice practice and practice,let’s just start with doing it for two minutes,I said.He still insisted on what will happen in two minutes.I said okay,let’s see what what does not happen in two minutes. First day was hard,second day he said he started feeling calmer. 

Writinga journal – – – – what I believe in,maintain a diary and the diary maintains you.Yet there are times when all that you need to do is talk it out.Prayersis the most potent medicine.Equally sacred is talking to yourself.

Then,what is hard. Conversations! It is not easy to share your story. It needs trust and confidence. At times we end up sharing right  stories with wrong people. 

Rumi,Osho,Wayne Dyer are my constant companion of mental conversations. As I seek them out,they have fascinating ways of reaching out to me, surprisingly sometimes in the form of a text.Healing has its way of coming to you 

A therapist dealing with past life regression was curious about why I don’t have meditations in my therapy sessions.I take people in trance for nearly 1 to 2 hours he said. Great I said, what after that? On my part what  i try is to gradually make people reach a point where every moment of the life they feel blissful. It’s not very easy and it takes time. Now you go to trance or France,what is it that drops in you,that you’re holding onto and gets you back to you.Be aware.

My experience says meditation cannot be forced or done,it just happens. We all have read about renunciation. Now letting go off clothes, the food, charity etc is easy as compared to letting go off judgements,concepts, ego. Sort your life and the day spiritual ego sets in,god bless you. 

You would be where you want to be one day. Baby steps.

There is a lot beyond intellect and spirituality.His grace. 


ravigupta said…
I feel calmed after reading this Blog. It's a war within and cannot be fought and won overnight. Realization, resolve and restore to your original self with the help of right people around you, even Mother Nature, helps us to heal. Thank You Gargi for the baby steps, I won't go to France or Trance, I would simply share and ask for care, with the right one ofcourse.
Unknown said…
It is so difficult to Resolve one's own fear and to let go what hurts.
Time is a big healer. But sometimes we get stuck at some phase of life, where we need to talk and find courage to deal with it!
Gargi Arora said…
Resolving fears is easy when we are aware of them .

Letting go is a process and cannot be hushed ,hushed! Yes and rightly said time heals and so do our efforts.
Gargi Arora said…
Yes Ravi baby steps help deal with change comfortably. And wow rightly said,...realise,resolve,restore,right people. !!!!

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