The beautiful birth.

How old are you ma’am today?She asked.Softly I said 25.No reaction.Pause was intriguing.Plus 20,I added.Well,you can add ten to it or subtract.All your choice.I love the little confusing pranks.On a serious note for some people when you cannot convince them, confuse them.Such shit works for them. 

Would you like to have beer today ...let’s celebrate your birthday,she said excitingly.Wine or divine ? 

My salt n pepper hair definitely says something.I enjoy them as much as they enjoy me.Total acceptance.

As I was reflecting on the purpose of my birth,my journey,my experiences,I had this feeling there cannot be just one purpose to life.Every experience is a purpose in itself.There are lessons and patterns in it.Evolve or repeat. 

The joy of giving has a purpose.In giving we receive his grace. There is a balance of give and take.I find life flowing through me,when I am in giving mode,sans judgement.There is total release of energy. No pleasure no pain. 

I wonder what I would I be without it.The giving that is expressed in lifting somebody’s spirit,healing, prayers and the least saying GOD BLESS YOU to as many people as one can has a feeling which I would not like to put down in words. 

As I was enjoying the day of my birth,there was a moment where there was stillness in me.....couldn’t stop myself from connecting to the power of GG,Grace and Gratitude.

GG is Gossip with Gargi too if you would......

                        Tea ,gossip and me. 


Reetika said…
Nice play of words 😍

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