Tarot tunes
Have you ever wished you could have stayed in a dream? During a dream hypnosis session, you can actually re-enter a dream and let it fully run its course. Sometimes, we wake up during a critical moment in the dream, and we wish we could enter the dream again. A dream hypnosis session can take you back into the dream to discover what didn't occur allowing you to go straight to all the memories and emotional fixations that live in your subconscious mind.
I dreamt that I was in a car in the middle of an ocean in a tornado with all the windows and doors of car locked . And still i managed somehow to save myself and reached on the safety mark, Amkit Mahajan
The dreams related towater, river and oceans are very common and are symbolic of emotionsAre you craving for a lot of love? .You say you see yourself in the middle of a tornado….this is related to deep emotions within you. Is your mind wrestling with too many thoughts or emotions? It is amazing that you see yourself in a car... in the middle of an ocean…..which is a clear indication that what ever negative emotions or situations may be surrounding you…you will be able to overcome the situation or the problem entirely with your courage and effort….and above all the willing to sail through safely through the dirty waters.
As you have written that you manage to save yourself…that too in a tornado…that speaks a lot about your inner strength .life is al about ups and downs. Be alert!
Oceans are deep and may represent deep emotions. Ocean tides are controlled by the moon--a symbol of intuition and the unconscious--and dreams of oceans are often symbolic of the same. The ocean can therefore be a kind of metaphor for the conscious and unconscious coming together. The action of the sea can tell you more--turbulent seas may indicate emotional upset or deep, uncomfortable stirrings in the unconscious. Calm, rhythmic seas may be symbols of a relaxed state of being, of being in touch with your intuition, or of being in harmony with the Universe. Dreams of oceans can also indicate a deep emotional longing.
My family is a very staunch follower of Sai Baba And very often I meet him in the dreams or I see him giving me messages or talking to me. Sonia taneja
You are a blessed one! Seeing the god ,guru or the divine power you have faith in, in dreams is very common but seeing the talking to you and giving you messages in dreams is the best gift one could get in life. Souls which are on the path of renunciation of the worldly pleasures. and getting connected to their deepest of the inner self and the god…get such visions .Strong intuitions is another gift such people are blessed with..
But all said and done you are connected to this life…..and we all are learning and exploring at each and every stage of life….. trying to go higher and higher…. And you definitely seem t be seeking more. Now, are you looking for some guidance in your life? And when you dream of your guru that a kind of gives you some message, advice or counsel that you may be craving for in your waking life.
Guru means one who brings enlightenment, dispels darkness and is a spiritual teacher…..Just go on with your faith and light a diya regularly
Have you ever wished you could have stayed in a dream? During a dream hypnosis session, you can actually re-enter a dream and let it fully run its course. Sometimes, we wake up during a critical moment in the dream, and we wish we could enter the dream again. A dream hypnosis session can take you back into the dream to discover what didn't occur allowing you to go straight to all the memories and emotional fixations that live in your subconscious mind.
I dreamt that I was in a car in the middle of an ocean in a tornado with all the windows and doors of car locked . And still i managed somehow to save myself and reached on the safety mark, Amkit Mahajan
The dreams related towater, river and oceans are very common and are symbolic of emotionsAre you craving for a lot of love? .You say you see yourself in the middle of a tornado….this is related to deep emotions within you. Is your mind wrestling with too many thoughts or emotions? It is amazing that you see yourself in a car... in the middle of an ocean…..which is a clear indication that what ever negative emotions or situations may be surrounding you…you will be able to overcome the situation or the problem entirely with your courage and effort….and above all the willing to sail through safely through the dirty waters.
As you have written that you manage to save yourself…that too in a tornado…that speaks a lot about your inner strength .life is al about ups and downs. Be alert!
Oceans are deep and may represent deep emotions. Ocean tides are controlled by the moon--a symbol of intuition and the unconscious--and dreams of oceans are often symbolic of the same. The ocean can therefore be a kind of metaphor for the conscious and unconscious coming together. The action of the sea can tell you more--turbulent seas may indicate emotional upset or deep, uncomfortable stirrings in the unconscious. Calm, rhythmic seas may be symbols of a relaxed state of being, of being in touch with your intuition, or of being in harmony with the Universe. Dreams of oceans can also indicate a deep emotional longing.
My family is a very staunch follower of Sai Baba And very often I meet him in the dreams or I see him giving me messages or talking to me. Sonia taneja
You are a blessed one! Seeing the god ,guru or the divine power you have faith in, in dreams is very common but seeing the talking to you and giving you messages in dreams is the best gift one could get in life. Souls which are on the path of renunciation of the worldly pleasures. and getting connected to their deepest of the inner self and the god…get such visions .Strong intuitions is another gift such people are blessed with..
But all said and done you are connected to this life…..and we all are learning and exploring at each and every stage of life….. trying to go higher and higher…. And you definitely seem t be seeking more. Now, are you looking for some guidance in your life? And when you dream of your guru that a kind of gives you some message, advice or counsel that you may be craving for in your waking life.
Guru means one who brings enlightenment, dispels darkness and is a spiritual teacher…..Just go on with your faith and light a diya regularly