
What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.
The easiest and most enjoyable way to meditate is to listen to your favorite songs and music for the full 20 minutes. While sitting with your spine erect, you’re aligning your energy to the God force. This 20 minute period, however, is not our only meditation practice. We endeavor to practice the meditation attitude in watching our thoughts and behavior throughout the day, and working with our dreams at night. You will begin to see how your thoughts, words and actions set up your reality and life experiences. You will also discover the many gifts, talents and abilities within you as you explore the inner self. You can learn to create a reality that works for you!

Recently I saw a lot of stars in my dreams. There was complete darkness and silence, and I just went around counting them .What do the stars in a dream indicate? Sarika

Are there stars in your eyes? They are real! The dream of stars relates to heavenly body inspirations and at the same time it may mean that this is the time for you to start your spiritual journey. Knowledge, possibilities and hopes you have all with you and it is the threshold of a new career. You may be about to become a real star in your life, career. Brilliant prospects are suddenly manifest and new areas of success open out keeping you in perfect emotional balance.

Stars in dreams also suggest that your inner self is n perfect tune with you and you are writing your own script in life .At the same time you may going through a phase in your life when you are planning a new career Mystic sciences such as astrology,numerology attract you. Sensibilities stretch beyond underlying causes of the universe. The mind progresses from metaphysical to the theological stage

.Stars is a Protective symbol representing a perfect universe and the four traditional elements of air, earth fire and spirit.

I saw in my dreams that I am standing in a field which is full of flowers .though I am extremely fond of flowers ,I in my dreams was crushing them which made me feel very uncomfortable after I woke up. What does this kind of dream signify?Darpan

Though flowers increase positivity, in your dreams you have seen them as destroying the beautiful creatures .Life may be giving you your due share of happiness and prosperity but sometimes in life we are not receptive and hence we block the flow of energy. Are you carrying any resentment, towards certain things, situations, events or people in life? Come out of it .

Flowers are often the messengers of our emotions, hopes and dreams. Through them we send and receive in this world and beyond. In dreams they are symbolic of prosperity. Don’t be too negative. Life is a journey with its shades of light and dark. Energy when unobstructed flows naturally into creative endeavours.An abundance of such energy give one the ability to generate creative work in any Endeavour. That same energy like a surging river demands movement and expression and can manifest as destructive addiction if not properly channelised.So Move on!


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