“Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreamsDirections are perhaps one of the most insightful, though often overlooked dream elements. Forward or in front of often represents forward in time (i.e. the future), and similarly, backward or behind often symbolizes the past (the back yard of your home is your personal past, for example).Upward or high often represents the spiritual, or intellectual (i.e. flying above the roof tops), while downward or low suggests more physical, instinctive, and being grounded. Less universal but still helpful, to the right often points to logical, reasoning or outward world power focus (right hand man), while to the left suggests emotional, inner, artistic aspects. Underground, or in the dark, is the symbol of something being subconscious or unconscious (e.g. basement, nighttime), since light usually symbolizes consciousness. Colors can mean many things, often more individual than universal, though black can depict guilt or other heavy feelings (the black ball and chain you keep dragging around) while white may indicate purity, and the realm of the spirit. Pure green can suggest healing, and the healing power .
There is a silver statue of Buddha which I see in my dreams.I feel very still a when this dream comes to me. Meeta ,Chandigarh.
Metal is a symbol of cosmic energy. Carl Jung’s interpretation if metal in dreams is “lust of the flesh “If you see that you are converting one metal into another, it shows there is a shift in energy levels towards a higher plane in life and there is a tremendous progress as a human being. Generally it takes away from every day concerns of life. Gold in dreams is a symbol of an extremely high level of spirituality and is also known to cure the ailments like sty of the eye. Silver is the metal of the moon and symbolizes feminity.Accordiing to my interpretation silver statue of Buddha foretells a very high level of spirituality,Gautam Buddha in itself a symbol of peace. Hence seeing statue of a Buddha foretells a period of peace, calmness and smooth life. Just Pray.
There is a big spider; one woman is trying to kill it. The spider manages to weave a web around it.when I wake up my fear is longer with me. Arjun singh,Panchkula
Web is a symbol of protection and precaution. Are you trying to safeguard yourself from anxiety …physical or emotional? Hence the dream is very common in this situation. Just a web in the dream means that the dreamer is getting trapped in some difficult situation in life. Arachnophobia is a morbid fear of spiders. Dreaming of spider is also a reflection of the fear of spiders. In your case you see spider and also a web around it. Look around! Are you facing some enemies or some challenging situation? Since you have seen web being weaved, it shows that you would be able to protect yourself from any negative influences. A very strong thread of the web means you will completely save yourself from being harmed. Thin threads of the web show gullibility of the individual.
“Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreamsDirections are perhaps one of the most insightful, though often overlooked dream elements. Forward or in front of often represents forward in time (i.e. the future), and similarly, backward or behind often symbolizes the past (the back yard of your home is your personal past, for example).Upward or high often represents the spiritual, or intellectual (i.e. flying above the roof tops), while downward or low suggests more physical, instinctive, and being grounded. Less universal but still helpful, to the right often points to logical, reasoning or outward world power focus (right hand man), while to the left suggests emotional, inner, artistic aspects. Underground, or in the dark, is the symbol of something being subconscious or unconscious (e.g. basement, nighttime), since light usually symbolizes consciousness. Colors can mean many things, often more individual than universal, though black can depict guilt or other heavy feelings (the black ball and chain you keep dragging around) while white may indicate purity, and the realm of the spirit. Pure green can suggest healing, and the healing power .
There is a silver statue of Buddha which I see in my dreams.I feel very still a when this dream comes to me. Meeta ,Chandigarh.
Metal is a symbol of cosmic energy. Carl Jung’s interpretation if metal in dreams is “lust of the flesh “If you see that you are converting one metal into another, it shows there is a shift in energy levels towards a higher plane in life and there is a tremendous progress as a human being. Generally it takes away from every day concerns of life. Gold in dreams is a symbol of an extremely high level of spirituality and is also known to cure the ailments like sty of the eye. Silver is the metal of the moon and symbolizes feminity.Accordiing to my interpretation silver statue of Buddha foretells a very high level of spirituality,Gautam Buddha in itself a symbol of peace. Hence seeing statue of a Buddha foretells a period of peace, calmness and smooth life. Just Pray.
There is a big spider; one woman is trying to kill it. The spider manages to weave a web around it.when I wake up my fear is longer with me. Arjun singh,Panchkula
Web is a symbol of protection and precaution. Are you trying to safeguard yourself from anxiety …physical or emotional? Hence the dream is very common in this situation. Just a web in the dream means that the dreamer is getting trapped in some difficult situation in life. Arachnophobia is a morbid fear of spiders. Dreaming of spider is also a reflection of the fear of spiders. In your case you see spider and also a web around it. Look around! Are you facing some enemies or some challenging situation? Since you have seen web being weaved, it shows that you would be able to protect yourself from any negative influences. A very strong thread of the web means you will completely save yourself from being harmed. Thin threads of the web show gullibility of the individual.