mirror the spirituality
Mirror mirror on the wall that is the fairest of all”?
Look and the mirror can never tell you the untruth. Stress anxiety, fears and phobias continue to rule our minds for millions and billions of hours during our life time. Here the only thing that we are dealing with is our thoughts! And thoughts can be changed. The only thing we need to do is to look within! REFLECT in or as if in a mirror
Life truly is a journey of shades of light and dark. Marlin loves to paint on the canvas and is a big time exhibitor. The only thing she dislikes is criticism. Especially from her near and dear ones. Her teacher one day advised her that all of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to the criticism. After listening to her, before opening her exhibition she put every art work in front of the mirror and therein came the appreciation …..From within! This was a true reflection of her work. Art truly is not a profession but a life style. Art colors are not the promotion of paints, but the pictures mirror our spirituality.
“No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in the mirror for the real cause of his mistakes” said Napoleon hill.Karan,a psychotherapist while suggesting Mirror therapy as the best course for reaching the higher self, gives an example. Sara pursuing her interests in public relations had a very low self esteem .He then advised her to pick a small mirror ,look into her own eyes ,say her name and “I love and accept myself as I am”
It is difficult for many people .He tells .They sob, cry and even get violent. Is it possible to smile and talk wise at the same time? Isn’t it worth pondering? Some even throw mirrors across the room. After all it is our own interpretation that colors the truth with ambiguity.
Looking into a mirror is such a simple exercise! One gets down to some of the core issues that are beneath the outer problem. Intimacy with the self brings true healing and spiritual upliftment.
People talk of meditation,yoga and spiritual healing, trying to reach their higher self but are not alert at all. They are foggy and confused. Alertness is missing in their lives. Spirituality is a path of love and feelings.
A traveler once asked an alcoholic the way to the busstand,who guides him as such” keep going straight ,as you reach the dead end, take to right, then left ,then cross two blocks and again turn right and finally take a u –turn.
It is not possible to get to the bus stand at all like this?
It is definitely not alcohol that drives people mad….it is coupled with power-crazy, money-crazy, clothes-crazy ….technology crazy!
Every one is drinking different kinds of drinks. There is no way to explain a blindman, what light is. A blind man once asked Mother Teresa “Can there be any thing worse than losing your sight? She replied”yes! Losing your vision….so be focusssed and move to achieve your goals.
A good life is the only religion” remarked once Thomas Muller.
But the essence of spirituality lies in living the life. Religious people sometime become very sad and stop living their lives. They get stuck and create sadness around.
Horney says Prayer is the voice of the faith, it is nice to have faith .but sometimes we tend to have blind faith .The spiritual responsibility lies in identifying that the person we have blind faith in should not be blind himself.
Life is truly a mirror. It does not fail to show us different reflections at different times. Truly said” life is like a cup of tea. You sit by the window, lift the cup and take a careless sip, only to realize somebody forgot to add sugar. Too lazy to go for it. You somehow struggle through the sugarless tea till you discover sugar crystals lying at the bottom. That is life!....shaken but not stirred!!!Stir your life.
Mirror mirror on the wall that is the fairest of all”?
Look and the mirror can never tell you the untruth. Stress anxiety, fears and phobias continue to rule our minds for millions and billions of hours during our life time. Here the only thing that we are dealing with is our thoughts! And thoughts can be changed. The only thing we need to do is to look within! REFLECT in or as if in a mirror
Life truly is a journey of shades of light and dark. Marlin loves to paint on the canvas and is a big time exhibitor. The only thing she dislikes is criticism. Especially from her near and dear ones. Her teacher one day advised her that all of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to the criticism. After listening to her, before opening her exhibition she put every art work in front of the mirror and therein came the appreciation …..From within! This was a true reflection of her work. Art truly is not a profession but a life style. Art colors are not the promotion of paints, but the pictures mirror our spirituality.
“No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in the mirror for the real cause of his mistakes” said Napoleon hill.Karan,a psychotherapist while suggesting Mirror therapy as the best course for reaching the higher self, gives an example. Sara pursuing her interests in public relations had a very low self esteem .He then advised her to pick a small mirror ,look into her own eyes ,say her name and “I love and accept myself as I am”
It is difficult for many people .He tells .They sob, cry and even get violent. Is it possible to smile and talk wise at the same time? Isn’t it worth pondering? Some even throw mirrors across the room. After all it is our own interpretation that colors the truth with ambiguity.
Looking into a mirror is such a simple exercise! One gets down to some of the core issues that are beneath the outer problem. Intimacy with the self brings true healing and spiritual upliftment.
People talk of meditation,yoga and spiritual healing, trying to reach their higher self but are not alert at all. They are foggy and confused. Alertness is missing in their lives. Spirituality is a path of love and feelings.
A traveler once asked an alcoholic the way to the busstand,who guides him as such” keep going straight ,as you reach the dead end, take to right, then left ,then cross two blocks and again turn right and finally take a u –turn.
It is not possible to get to the bus stand at all like this?
It is definitely not alcohol that drives people mad….it is coupled with power-crazy, money-crazy, clothes-crazy ….technology crazy!
Every one is drinking different kinds of drinks. There is no way to explain a blindman, what light is. A blind man once asked Mother Teresa “Can there be any thing worse than losing your sight? She replied”yes! Losing your vision….so be focusssed and move to achieve your goals.
A good life is the only religion” remarked once Thomas Muller.
But the essence of spirituality lies in living the life. Religious people sometime become very sad and stop living their lives. They get stuck and create sadness around.
Horney says Prayer is the voice of the faith, it is nice to have faith .but sometimes we tend to have blind faith .The spiritual responsibility lies in identifying that the person we have blind faith in should not be blind himself.
Life is truly a mirror. It does not fail to show us different reflections at different times. Truly said” life is like a cup of tea. You sit by the window, lift the cup and take a careless sip, only to realize somebody forgot to add sugar. Too lazy to go for it. You somehow struggle through the sugarless tea till you discover sugar crystals lying at the bottom. That is life!....shaken but not stirred!!!Stir your life.