Benjamin Disraeli
Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.
The main barrier to dream recall and to lucid dreaming (realizing during a dream that one is dreaming) is that waking and dreaming memory aren't connected nearly as well as they could be with greater intention, practice and focus. Making a consistent effort to remember and record your dreams will help your waking mind to ally itself more closely with your dream experience. It's also an excellent way to increase imagination, creative and intuitive capabilities which are all intimately connected with dreams. This alone should provide strong incentive.
Many times in my dreams I see myself getting my Horoscope read. I am sitting with a priest either in some temple or some dargah and I see a lot of religious paraphernalia around me like a diva , incense, statues of gods and goddesses etc. AMIT NAGPAL
Dreaming of fortune telling is an indication that someone is trying to tell or direct your future plans .this kind of a dream is a warning against openly discussing your innermost secrets or plans with anyone without due consideration .For a young women to see that she is getting her horoscope read indicates that for her it is time to make a choice for her life partner and very soon it will be wedding bells for her .In case a person dreams about getting engaged to a fortune teller or a spiritual healer ,it is a caution that the person needs to plan the finances as soon as possible. In your case you see your horoscope being read, are you looking for some direction in life? Are you planning to settle in your personal life…something which you may be trying for long but perhaps may not be materializing? All you have to see is is there any pattern buried deeply within you, and then you must become aware of it in order to heal the condition. Begin to mention the condition, to complain about it or see it in other people. It rises to the surface of our attention in some way and we begin to relate to it. We often attract a teacher, a friend a class or may be a book to us that begins to awaken new ways to approach the dissolving of the problems .At the same time work on your intutions.They may give you a lot of clues and insights about the happenings around you and decision you should follow.
There is one of my school teachers who I am very attached to. Though I have lost touch with her still I keep seeing her in my dreams .At times she is quite and at times she is sermonizing. Depankar
A teacher’s impact is till eternity, you can never say where the influence begins. Teachers,mentors are the real people who have taught us in life. They are symbolic .Are you looking for some sort of guidance or direction in life? In that case it is very natural to see our teachers, they being the primary agent of socialization for the kid. Teacher is one person who is a kind of inner guide for the pupil, is strict about learning, always gives the useful advice and has unconditional love for the children. And we do consciously or sub consciously relate to them. Dreaming of a teacher is also a kind of reminder to us that life is a continuous test .All you have to do is think what you are doing in life at the moment and probably look for a guide. This kind of a dream is also an advice according to me that you cannot ride every horse in the race, that you may want to learn new things in life but all you have to do is look at everything objectively and decide which path to follow. On the contrary it is very common for the teachers too to dream of school and students especially in a new job or session as there is to much to look forward to.
Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.
The main barrier to dream recall and to lucid dreaming (realizing during a dream that one is dreaming) is that waking and dreaming memory aren't connected nearly as well as they could be with greater intention, practice and focus. Making a consistent effort to remember and record your dreams will help your waking mind to ally itself more closely with your dream experience. It's also an excellent way to increase imagination, creative and intuitive capabilities which are all intimately connected with dreams. This alone should provide strong incentive.
Many times in my dreams I see myself getting my Horoscope read. I am sitting with a priest either in some temple or some dargah and I see a lot of religious paraphernalia around me like a diva , incense, statues of gods and goddesses etc. AMIT NAGPAL
Dreaming of fortune telling is an indication that someone is trying to tell or direct your future plans .this kind of a dream is a warning against openly discussing your innermost secrets or plans with anyone without due consideration .For a young women to see that she is getting her horoscope read indicates that for her it is time to make a choice for her life partner and very soon it will be wedding bells for her .In case a person dreams about getting engaged to a fortune teller or a spiritual healer ,it is a caution that the person needs to plan the finances as soon as possible. In your case you see your horoscope being read, are you looking for some direction in life? Are you planning to settle in your personal life…something which you may be trying for long but perhaps may not be materializing? All you have to see is is there any pattern buried deeply within you, and then you must become aware of it in order to heal the condition. Begin to mention the condition, to complain about it or see it in other people. It rises to the surface of our attention in some way and we begin to relate to it. We often attract a teacher, a friend a class or may be a book to us that begins to awaken new ways to approach the dissolving of the problems .At the same time work on your intutions.They may give you a lot of clues and insights about the happenings around you and decision you should follow.
There is one of my school teachers who I am very attached to. Though I have lost touch with her still I keep seeing her in my dreams .At times she is quite and at times she is sermonizing. Depankar
A teacher’s impact is till eternity, you can never say where the influence begins. Teachers,mentors are the real people who have taught us in life. They are symbolic .Are you looking for some sort of guidance or direction in life? In that case it is very natural to see our teachers, they being the primary agent of socialization for the kid. Teacher is one person who is a kind of inner guide for the pupil, is strict about learning, always gives the useful advice and has unconditional love for the children. And we do consciously or sub consciously relate to them. Dreaming of a teacher is also a kind of reminder to us that life is a continuous test .All you have to do is think what you are doing in life at the moment and probably look for a guide. This kind of a dream is also an advice according to me that you cannot ride every horse in the race, that you may want to learn new things in life but all you have to do is look at everything objectively and decide which path to follow. On the contrary it is very common for the teachers too to dream of school and students especially in a new job or session as there is to much to look forward to.