The Ultimate friends

 The bed, the tea, the book....

The ultimate luxury, the ultimate style, the ultimate laziness, the ultimate self-care, and whatever ultimate you want to think...? So I thought to myself that that's what I will  give to myself for Sunday morning.

I woke up earlier than usual. I won't share the time.I had ultimate tea in the early morning, just a little.......a little bit of nip in the air.

From discussing the inner child healing to regressing the mother wound to learning to say NO, I had a very deep conversation with a friend of mine and this is never an underrated luxury for me. In fact, I can say for both of us.One  deep conversation in a day is so enriching.In the same breath I was sharing with her about commas....Pauses...Careful words create beautiful spaces in every relationship, and so does the banter. 

I chose to withdraw the friendship rights from a friend for two days who refused to go out for coffee with me.

Another friend with me shared her holiday experiences, how it's different going with the group and without a group. Well, in both cases the company matters. Who would want to miss the company of a good friend? Another friend suggested that I start an NGO for women empowerment.And I asked him, why do women need empowerment?What is the idea behind it and why not men empowerment?And why can't we just talk about empowering the soul?Why this has to be so much gender based? The empowering thing?And we shared the silence.

And I can bet anyone who has tasted my cooking will never say that a woman's place is just in the kitchen.

Women are strong...and men too can be vulnerable... sensitive and strong...all in one!!! 


Sunny said…
Power words very well written

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