Just meditate.

 He: I tried to meditate, doesn't happen to me.

Me: Good...atleast you tried.

Just meditate.

Meditation is all energy work, and energy takes its time to change, transform and grow. 

'Before and After' matters!

Before you start the actual process...

Just sit!

Most of the uneasiness arises because of the inability to just sit. 

So focus on the posture.


If you cannot sit, lie down...

that's equally fine.Just relax your body.

This is just the first step in preparation, and first step is the last step. Think about it.

After the first step begins the meditation.Put your hands on your thighs or knees. Straighten up your back. Neither very stiff nor relaxed. 

Straighten up your neck. 

Hey, hey, hey. No hurry. Don't close your eyes yet. Ask your body. Am I ready for the meditation.

I am sure you have the answer.

Please remember EVERY STEP COUNTS.

Now close your eyes.Stay there!


This is the time energy will start changing both in the mind and the body. Hence I like to call it The Sacred Pause.

Now the second step.

We start our breath work. Take a deep breath, start the inhale, exhale.

Gentle reminder.... EVERY STEP COUNTS.

 So inhale very slowly, gradually, and gracefully. Continue for five to seven breaths. 

A thought. 

The spiritual practices have as much to offer you as you have to offer to them.

After about 7 breaths.

The sacred pause.

SILENCE...Just sit with your soul.One or two minutes. 

Take a deep breath.

Now the third step, breathing. 

With hold for the count of four. 

Inhale...... hold.....exhale.....hold. 

Take a deep breath.Repeat this five times.Again take a deep breath. 

The sacred pause, this is the energy transformation now the Ahhhhha movement.

Body relaxed....mind relaxed.... in between thoughts may come, let them. Don't judge yourself, stay there. 

Deep breath now this is for you. Say your name and say ❤️'God bless you' ❤️for yourself in the posture.

Is your breath saying something?Just listen to it.

Now the final step. 

Rub your hands,put them on your eyes. 

Stay there. 

No rush. 

Pause 30 seconds. 

Now open your eyes.

Again, Again, again.Don't judge yourself.In writing and meditation, you're as good as your last attempt.Mind is like a browser..some days too many tabs open.

When I meditate sometimes I am just thinking about GG... Gossip with Gargi....a well deserved show.🧞

Practice, practice and you will grow.

Writing ... Just write ✍️ 📋

Yoga....Just practice.🧘

Meditation.... Just meditate.

All about....JUST!📿🧿🌼

You are precious.

Lots of love.


Gwyneth said…
Thank you. God lesson. God bless you..

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