The lost lover .

 She was drinking.... smoking... jumping into relationships.... putting the onus of her happiness on every one but her!!! 

Her sessions would be full of discomfort blame....guilt ....!!! ...with herself and others. 

But what is it that you want....I would ask her at the end of the session.

The stony silence.

अनुगृहिता अस्म्यहम्.

I am blessed!!! .....she felt at times . 

Powerful questions have powerful answers..Every time she would talk about getting upset I would prompt her by asking...what do you want to do about it?? 

   The pauses are sacred. 

 Stop ... reflect...go! 

At 29 years of age nothing could be better than this grace of God.

How does this change come?? 

Work for it!!!  

डूबने को सब त्यार है...अगर बचना है तो तैरना सीख ले।

I have been throwing parties.... getting drunk all night gifts and still would be unhappy at the end of it Ma'am.She shared .

This year on my Birthday I am partying with myself friends.....drinks etc etc.

And I want to buy a saree for myself. 

    Done with dresses!!! 

The only elegance that you have is in the mind.....and the beauty of elegance never fades.

What is your take away from today's session i asked her?

Enjoying the woman that I am becoming.

Falling in love from the inspirations that I am getting from Geeta ji. 

The depth in her eyes at that time was re- assuming.

But what happens to lovers  ma'am??

There is a choice ....flip the coin.....or ...or ...or.......Google and find out!!! But few things best not downloaded. 

Wrong apps...lead to hacks.


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