But,first tea!

 The value of doing something and doing- nothing is enhanced in proportion to doing. Try if you will, I wrote to one of the friend who was curious to know what do I keep doing.

Would you want to sit for the  Morning tea? asked another friend.

Morning tea with or without invitation, is always a time of quiet celebration, gratitude and excitement of doing what I want to.

Tea is an act complete in its simplicity.

When I drink tea, there is only me and the tea.

The rest of the world dissolves.

There are no worries about the future.

No dwelling on past mistakes.

Tea is simple: loose leaf tea, hot pure water, a cup.

I inhale the scent, tiny delicate pieces of the tea floating above the cup.

I drink the tea, the essence of the leaves becoming a part of me.

I am informed by the tea, changed.

This is the act of life, in one pure moment, and in this act the truth of the world suddenly becomes revealed: all the complexity, pain, drama of life is a pretense, invented in our minds for no good purpose.

There is only tea, and me, converging.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

These few moments set the tone without a phone .As I started my daily activity of writing random few words after Tea ,one word that was catching my fancy was 'letting go'.Thus I described it ..,.letting go...is the hardest asana...only till the time you don't want to or rather you're not ready to.

कभी ये कदम चलते नहीं तो कभी ये कदम रुकते नहीं।

Maybe better footwear is needed.

Some books which I was finding so hard to let go....NOW....I  was ready to send them off. I visualized my book racks......less is more!  

Today,I  found some comfort in this discomfort to quietly work away at disposing of your own excess is actually the best way of dealing with some corner that actually needs to tidy up in all the 3 H......home, head and the heart❤️

Keep calm.Let the karma finish it because it is what it is.The biggest antidote to acceptance. 

Cleaning and cleansing regularly generates another interesting change. The ability to not tolerate uncomplicated be it people or things or thoughts.

One  slips into silence ..,,no ....not because the throat is bad but because one has  understood the futility of conflicts and sharing perspectives.

My favorite quote by Keanu Reeves. I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions.Even if you say 1 + 1 is five, you're right. Have fun. 

What's your opinion on the growing use of vape  in metropolitans? Texted a journalist friend. OD  I said.

Out of discussion. 

Keep it simple. Who can deny that there 

 is sophistication in simplicity.


Gwyneth said…
As a tea drinker who makes a big thing out of drinking a cup of tea. As my whole family does. Loos. Loose tea leaves hand picked from The Transkei. Water must be fresh not pre boiled and the on the boil. On to the leaves in an open top re usable bag. . Take time for tea flavour ful and fragrance to tickle the senses. And wow sit down and Saveur. The most refreshing drink in the world.lfe renewing.

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