The Way to devotion.


A moment of devotion is a matter of faith and his grace. 

जैसी भक्ति करे सभी, वैसे पूजा होये |भय पारस  है जीव को, निर्भय होय ना कोये |

Is Devotion only limited to GOD ?
 Or is God only limited to Devotion?

As Kabir ji says and what I understand and have experienced, Devotion just opens up the a new you....!

Well,what is the source of this devotion?I have experienced it coming from my mind under certain intriguing circumstances.

Payo ji meine ram ratan dhan payo...
Devotion beautifully manifests itself with 'Rock On' , enthusiasm and joy and in instalments..... it comes in 'Direct Interaction ' with joy ,anxiety, love and most important Gratitude!

The experience of listening to the kirtan in the Iskcon temple of Vrindavan has a magnetic force.The dholak and the drum, the Manjira ... the harmonium....the pitch just takes you on a transcendental level.Jaap, kirtan, bhajan ...are the small steps to devotion or Bhakti.

My relationship with Devotion is like this:

In Fear ,I am devoted to Faith !
In Anxiety ,I am devoted to Hope!
In Pain, I am devoted to Gratitude!
In love ,I am devoted to love!
In Gratitude , I am in complete awareness !
In awareness , I am in complete Gratitude

In love I am love.

So when the mind is the source of all this Devotional blessings,I am only trying to be more devoted to my Devotion!

When the Devotion is not in motion........🔔 I just check if my breathing is normal ..... enjoy the seasonal fruits and be here!

How can the bhakta stand apart from his sorrows?Narad Bhakti Sutra says....To a devotee this is much easier than for anyone else. He is one who has already offered all of himself. He has laid at the altar of his Lord his entire being. So totally surrendered becomes his worldly and sacred personality, that not only his physical being but his ideas, his ideals, his worldly duties, even his spiritual duties come to be entirely offered at His feet. His joy is only in going on striving for Him. All worries and anxieties thereafter are His. Then on what account should he ever weep?

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Hare
Hare ram Hare ram Ram Ram
Hare Hare .

Every day balanced diet,knowledge,devotion, service and meditation.


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