Hi ..chai...ya...bye.
Hi....hey...hello....a casual text we do send to people and we receive too.
I generally like to say om or Hare Krishna especially to close ones not the closed ones. This is my way of greeting them and conveying I am thinking about them or missing them or may be both.The gratitude of being woken up to the name of Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna.....can't be put down in words.
I texted a friend .....
The pleasure of just sitting with a friend and having chai....just chai....there obviously is no end to the range of gossip,bitching,discussing latest power polish on the nails,travel,cervical,enchanting kirtan at vrindavan,hitting a conversation on narcisst abuse....all this makes the experience of chai and 'Gossip with Gargi"quite real.
Hi..chai...ya ....
Thay was the option I was giving to myself....shall I sit with her or just be with myself....both are energising options..
Hi...chai..ya..bye...is she there...as I called Anju to ask...hi ..chai...ya...bye...she said no bye ..only chai.
Chai...Chips and dip.
Small pleasures but great depth.
Friendships and friends grow when nurtured with time,effort,money,love,trust respect and care. ..Yara Teri yari ko meine tou khuda mana....
Someone asked me why I love my friends so much...because they are the one who have taught me what dosti is...
My friends are an epitome of patience, love ...care ...joy...self work.self love..giving.
Togetherness...intimacy.....glance...chance..the power of now and the power of love.
And I gear up to meet a friend....chai and dost.....