Pissing in the pants.

 As I watch her walking on the drive way to my therapy room I often feel there is something very graceful about her. She is grace.

        Ginggi enters with a warm smile, makes herself comfortable on a chair, her comfortable body language and the daily journal with unicorn awaits for her to write her gratitude and reflections for the day. 

What would you like to work on  today? I  asked Ginggi.
Therapy work is never easy, denial is.The menu card had range of emotions amd feelings to offer from fears, insecurities, Acceptance, avoidance , deal and deny , guilt and Shame to finding our purpose or the purpose of life.

I often feel that finding no purpose is a very big purpose in itself. The challenge is can we be really detached from our constant companion .....the mind with different shades. 

Fear was the top of the list for Ginngi to work on.Loss of a loved one ...fear sets in. It's a natural thing.Dealing with grief is a process and grief does get triggered in different situations.We don't have control over our situations.Our response and reactions are a matter of choice. A dear friend has often this fear of passing in her pants because of the weak bladder ....laughter is at a radar.

What is your one fear at this moment?
How far is it impacting you? Let's deal with it....sit comfortably.....pause...take one deep breath...pause....two deep breaths.......pause.....three deep breaths......pause......observe your breath ......now identify one fear......one deep breath again......pause......talk to your fear......pause .....what is the message for you..

Sometimes we have to just fear the fear.

The sacred pause.

Repeat the exercise with your joy..

Find a place inside ,where there is joy and the joy will burn out the pain" Joseph Campbell.

❤God bless you ❤


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