Rumour or Relationship

 When a friendship falls apart!

Rimpy, in the Therapy Session was sharing her feelings about how a misunderstanding of a group text has impacted her friendship with her thirteen year old friend.

The text was a ‘rumour’.Rumour has a tendency to grow like a tumour.On every tongue it goes,it multiplies.There is a saying,Rumours!I found out so much about myself that I didn’t even know.

How do you feel about it,I asked her.

There is resentment which I am finding hard to handle and don’t know what to do about it.

What is important for you,Rumour,Friendship or resentment,I asked .

 There was a Pause. 

        The best thing is you want to handle it.As Kabir ji says simply do one thing,”barrki Maar kabir ki,Dil se Diya Nikal”.


It also can lead to depression,suicidal thoughts,eating disorders, anxiety and other issues Gossip and tumors can alienate friends,ruin reputations and even lead to obstracizing behaviour and other forms of relational aggression

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