Rumour or Relationship
When a friendship falls apart!
Rimpy, in the Therapy Session was sharing her feelings about how a misunderstanding of a group text has impacted her friendship with her thirteen year old friend.
The text was a ‘rumour’.Rumour has a tendency to grow like a tumour.On every tongue it goes,it multiplies.There is a saying,Rumours!I found out so much about myself that I didn’t even know.
How do you feel about it,I asked her.
There is resentment which I am finding hard to handle and don’t know what to do about it.
What is important for you,Rumour,Friendship or resentment,I asked .
There was a Pause.
The best thing is you want to handle it.As Kabir ji says simply do one thing,”barrki Maar kabir ki,Dil se Diya Nikal”.