All about faith!

Faith can take us places and create beautiful spaces in our mind.

Gaurav is a victim of his past.Some addictions that he has dealt with is still influencing his choices. How? 

Simply because he is still little bit living in the guilt.People who have had some type of addictions per say alcohol,drugs or sex addictions etc have at times faced lots of shame by the near and dear ones.Shame can only survive if we allow it too. 

      There was obviously a problem and that is why addiction was there be it any sort.

Empowering the individual is far supportive than showing any one down. 

   Gaurav is beautifully building himself up step by step.The first step is respecting himself for what he is today.Addictions over.Health being taken care of. Exceptionally hard working professional. 

Seeking approval is just out of my list now,he says and I know soon I will be where I need to be.He is beautifully rising and shining in his own light .❤️god bless you❤️.

Swami Vivekananda has said that the real atheist is he who has no faith in himself. 

     While I was enjoying the peace and bliss in Sai temple,my eye caught the sight of the priest who was pressing sai baba’s legs.I skipped my heart beat.The priest’s gesture is all about faith. Shraddha and Saburi .

 The stony silence and the stony faith. 

                🌺What you do with faith is what faith does to you. ❤️


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