Just,you tube!

 The motivational speeches,Ted talks  are dead talks untill we apply them in our life.

The Instagram .....will remain insta.....and gram will convert to kilograms.Depending on the calculation.

Why do we need so much information..... motivation???

I am bit low in energy today....I said to my father.Because you don't eat Parantha.Instant  energy...Diamond to solitaire.

The question repeated...why do we need motivation?Why does it have to come from outside?If  we reflect on our daily life,discipline in itself is a motivation.Hinduism as a way of life... that's what I like to reply when asked ,Do you. know the /your purpose of life?? Thay too if I want to reply.

Gita,the second chapter...verse 7


पृच्छामि त्वां धर्मसम्मूढचेता: |

यच्छ्रेय: स्यान्निश्चितं ब्रूहि तन्मे

शिष्यस्तेऽहं शाधि मां त्वां प्रपन्नम् || 7||

All the Vedic scriptures declare in unison that it is through the medium of a spiritual master that we receive divine knowledge for our eternal welfare.

“Seekers of the Truth should surrender themselves to a Spiritual Master who has understood the conclusion of the scriptures and taken complete shelter of God, leaving aside all material considerations.”

Who is your master...some random.youtube.... instagram...or..... some higher power?

Observe yourself!!!

Surrender.....you will know!!!

We could start with simple steps...

What talent can I share with the world today?One is creating peace not panic。And how difficult it is to be nice and kind to people。

Why is this a talent.....well you would know!!!

The funny quotes about motivation you want it to be somebody but all you realize is you  should have been  more specific。

Listen,Smile,agree and do whatever you wanna do anyway.Robert Downey。

I  found my motivation in The simplicity... the simple talks.....the simple choices..... talking straight no pretence.  

Kabir says I felt in need of a great pilgrimage so I sat still for three days and God came to me。

Yes,sitting with your soul is so so powerful.....so much silence  to be felt inside you....unless you're travelling.Because initially you're silent and then you have so many stories to tell。

What's your motivation for today???

Mine is........ Doing nothing.💃

Where does today come before yesterday?

The dictionary.



ND said…
Truly expressed
Gwyneth said…
My motivation for today? . I suppose is the same as every day. Dear God I love this life. Let me keep it please. So ! Whatever it takes.
Karan S Gill said…
Absolutely correct ! Motivation and Inspiration both come from within and not from outside. So sit still, shut your thoughts and behold ... HE is there !

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