Magic of tidying.
Clean and clear a message that I got from my face wash.
The repetitive thoughts stopped me from flying and flowing the Sunday afternoon.
Aura cleanse ...the message was clear from "Check your vibes' cards.
Internal amd external energies go hand in hand. The thoughts and the clutter in the almirah. In few minutes I was up to elbows cleaning and clearing .No time to breathe. Oh the seasonal cough would not let me do my deep breaths.Does wine help? Well the secret of enjoying a good the bottle to allow it to breathe.If it doesn't look like it is breathing give it mouth-to - mouth.Still I took a breath and let the next come easy.
What is the best strategy for cleaning ? Let go....need I was putting all these labels on my thoughts and clothes I started feeling a weight dropping...but still not weightless.Attachments over rule!
Deepak Chopra in The path to love says
Love expands beyond the limits of two people. Attachment tries to exclude everything but two people.
The hangers in my!!!!! a mess. Some cleaning is a ritual amd some rituals always cleaning. Few thoughts...feelings....rebound! And so does clutter .
What stops us from cleaning ?
There are two reasons for mental and physical is simply too full ...other is lack of knowledge.
The sacred pause.
Willingness .....but not readiness!!
Many years ago I had a box from when I moved, unopened for 6 yes six years under my bed.obviously nothing I needed. I could not throw that box out unopened. You know how this ends!!!