Chottu"s flowers.
Fresh manicured hands holding the book...Dancing with Swans by Ruzbeh N.Bharucha ...both worth admiring instruments of self - care motivation.
Sitting outside my work room....looking at the inscription on the walll INHALE-EXHALE and few minutes later I found myself inhaling and exhaling gratitude.
A simple act of giving makes The One and all the masters and the Angels so happy.So, there must be something very profound ,something very spiritual and something very pure in the act of giving. You have the heaven applauding and showering blessings and prayers on the giver says Ruzbeh when he talks of compassion.At this moment I thanked God for giving me this opportunity to share my gifts with my near and dear ones on Rakshabandhan.
I asked my little monster niece Laddooo
Would you like to buy Massi a gift ???...well sometimes the looks have all the answer!
As I took another sip from my Ginger tea with Rusk .... both me and the rusk dipped in ecstasy, Chottu caught my eye.
Where are you going, I asked him ....after all he is a 15 year old Chottu.To get flowers ma'am for the deities. Why do you offer flowers I asked him. The smile that I see on lord Krishna's face when I offer flowers makes my day replied Chottu.
The sacred pause.
Chotu's thought, gesture and negotiation are all flowing from a pure ❤ heart.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare rama Hare rama rama rama Hare .
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9, Verse 26BG 9.26: If one offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or even water, I delightfully partake of that item offered with love by My devotee in pure consciousness.
What is that you would like to offer?
For me it is Just love.❤💛