Just a compliment!
Buying and cooking vegetables is as much a fascination for me as writing and holding my therapy sessions While buying vegetables I saw a lady and couldn’t stop myself from saying you are very beautiful! Compliment gracefully accepted.
We exchanged numbers.Sometimes it is beyond our comprehension that people who have beautiful face have most humble hearts too.Enjoying my tea with her I learnt that this is yet another soul who has dealt with the trauma of loosing parents in childhood,married at 17,gone through the churn of being a wife,mother,daughter in law to a person who is so herself today.
She laughs from the heart,talks from the heart and lives from the heart.This is the freedom that Jyoti has worked on in her life.As Shakespeare says,To be or not to be.
'Faith'kept me going she shared in the candid conversation.That cycle of proving yourself in relationships,to yourself ,that repeated pattern that we all create sometimes knowingly and sometimes not is the pattern she has broken.
Gladly have found a humble friend.Compliment from the heart ❤️and friends from the heart❤️❤️.
Today she’s a soft,humble person,full of life and at times a wife and at time a light unto her own self.God bless you ❤️Jyoti.