
I keep getting recurring dreams where I am running away from something. And usually the running is such that I am running as if though I am in an action movie, which would include jumping from buildings, doing somersaults, crossing highways with zooming traffic. The only problem is I don’t know what I am running away from; there is no face, person or reason that I can pinpoint. Why is that so? – Amrita

Amrita….what is the phase of life you are going through? Have you not been ale to settle the goals for you so far?

Life keeps on going on and so do we. Jumping from one building to another shows that in real life you are trying to achieve one thing after the other but at a very fast pace. Well we all know patience Has its own rewards. The aspiraton levels of a person at times are extremely high. This state of mind is reflected in the dreams where the dreamer see himself running and running…sand direction.Paul Brown say,” when you win say nothing, when you lose say less”.

Often when one is in a conflict situation in terms of career and professional life,the indecisive state of mind is reflected in running in dreams. One very common dream among the leaders is seeing themselves win the race.It is quite apparent when they want o be in the win win situation.

The dream is a clear message to Focus!

I keep getting nightmares, but they aren’t about any ghosts or paranormal stuff. These nightmares usually involve me and some near and dear of mine and at least one celebrity usually. It is so weird, the dreams, that I end up breaking in a cold sweat and get fever the next day. Almost every nightmarish dream of mind ends in fever. Is there any connect to it? – Rashi

Rashi, this is life and we all go through challenging situations and experiences in life. Sometimes it takes a lot of time for the negative impressions to go from the mind. Such stressful events or situations turn into nightmares. The symptom include developing some typical fears, painful sensations or as you say fever too.
Did you have any encounter with a celebrity? That may be showing in your dreams.Move on!And
Get into the habit of sleeping well
Use a night light for few days.
Try writing about your nightmare and then ripping it off…with a smile!

The other day I had a dream wherein I could see the universe and all the planets and other elements. It was like, I was suspended above the earth in a glass cube and I was seeing things happening in the universe. And I was feeling pretty cold, yet everything was crystal clear. I was in complete awe. Some time later in the dream I saw that I was travelling in a train to some unknown destination and the train was dark. All of sudden the train stops in the middle of a sea. When I look out of the train, I see that a huge well has formed in front of the train and all the water in the sea is flowing back into the well. The water has taken the shape of a huge snake (in tidal wave shape). The whole thing was like the entire water on the earth is getting drained and I was the only one witness to it and I was feeling very helpless. – Vinita

Vinita!do you have stars I your eyes?Ye swe all want to reach the sky and this is what is apparent from your dream too….as you say you se the univers and the planets.Again when you see a train ,according to my interpretaion,are you about to start something in your life? The heavenly aspirations are there in you…and stopping in the middle of the sea shows a that the desires are as deep as the sea…
when the water takes the form of a snake it is quite apparent that the emotions are definitely flowing in a particular direction but thee is this fesr in you of the journey to you destination….whether it will be safe or challenging?
Just go in with life! Life has a lot in store for you.

Once I happen to dream a situation wherein I was really aggravated about something. That day I did have a fight in the local train while returning home. But in the dream I don’t know the exact reason why I was angry, but I was feeling so livid that in reality I had bitten my tongue. I realised that only when I had woken up. The next day too I dreamt wherein I was getting angry. This happened for three days. Now the following days I did not have any fight or reason to get angry and despite that the dream had taken a continuation without any conclusion. Why? – Ranjana

Ranjana,In your waking life you are having some differences with the people. Are you able to express your anger, show your resentment? Donot suppress, what can be expressed!
At times it is very difficult for some people to be vocal about what is there in their mind, the anger keeps panting up inside them and shows in the forms of a fight in the dream. Just relax and try to speak to someone about your anger.
If you are not able to speak it is worth writing it on a peace of paper and letting it go!

I keep dreaming that my father has passed away. And I end up feeling suffocated. I wake up with that feeling. What does this indicate? – Akshara

Akshara, when we love someone more than love we always have the fear of losing
that person or thing. Death in the dream is a reflection of “regenration”If you dream of some other persons death, it foretells that you will be off from your past now. It is off with the old and own with the new.
Enjoy life…new things are coming up for you.


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