Leading with purpose.
She: Hi.
Me: High..Hi!
The usual morning and the evening texts that I get from a friend of mine.
What's up
She: In bed having Zeera water?
Me: I need to detox too.The mind and the body .
Hmm, I'll tell you something.....calling you in a bit.
The incoming voice call.The red bar and the green bar.
Depending on the caller we always know which colour we choose.
She: Hi babe.
I had a very long conversation with Ms.A ki.And I feel she still has a lot of bitterness in her. So where do you think this comes from? I asked her, and in the same breath said her bitterness comes from her Ego.
There was a pause in the conversation.
She :How are you feeling ...you tell me?I'm overall fine but sad, just processing some emotions and every time I feel it touches me I feel .....So far and again....
This is a part of life Gaarg. You know it.
She loves to call me Gaarg.
You're a very inspiring woman and the way you have dealt with yourself, your life, your emotions, feelings and see where you are today.Yes, I did it because I wanted to do it. I did not want my life to go to waste. And here I am, humbly proud of myself.Yes. At the same time, there are some behavior types which I am understanding.
She: I also know you give two fucks to all the shit.
OK, let me ask you.What is it that inspired you about ABC?
Me: Her commitment, loyalty, zeal.Her vision, at the same time I felt her kindness was selective and she was warm, but at the same time very opinionated.
She: So what is that you found challenging?
Me:Yes, the position of power was there, but she didn't stand for people around her and she had a strong bias and could be very unkind at times.And that is not a very good human quality I said.And the control freak tendency....!
She:Umm, OK, let's look at you. Where have you reached?
Me: I know I'm honest with my purpose, commitment and I have lots of love for people and I love healing the unhealed.
I'm very creative,Joyful, Charming and can get very naughty at times.....The Gypsy soul.
She :Now where you are, what is it that you find most challenging, you have all the power today.
Me: Accepting certain behaviour types.
She: But...but yes.Wait, that acceptance has to be there with Boundaries.
The power that we always give to others is through our Emotional Reactions.
The pause.
Self opiniated! I am! Who else will let me know I'm better than OK, but myself.? But I don't have to let everyone else know. Let it be my internal secret knowledge. EGO. EASING GOD OUT.