Leading with purpose.

 She: Hi.

Me: High..Hi!

The usual morning and the evening texts  that I get from a  friend of mine.

 What's up

 She: In  bed having Zeera water?


Me:  I need to detox too.The mind and the body .

Hmm, I'll tell you something.....calling you in a bit. 

The incoming voice call.The red bar and the green bar.

Depending on the caller we always know which colour we choose.

She: Hi babe.

I had a very long conversation with Ms.A ki.And I feel she still has a lot of bitterness  in her. So where do you think this comes from? I asked her, and in the same breath said her bitterness comes from her Ego. 

There was a pause in the conversation. 

She :How  are you feeling ...you tell me?I'm overall fine but sad, just processing some emotions and every time I feel it touches me I feel .....So far and  again....

This is a part of life Gaarg. You know it.

She loves to call me Gaarg.

You're a very inspiring woman and the way you have dealt with yourself, your life, your emotions, feelings and see where you are today.Yes, I did it because I wanted to do it. I did not want my life to go to waste. And here I am, humbly proud of myself.Yes. At the same time, there are some behavior types which I am understanding.

She: I also know you give two fucks to all the shit.

OK, let me ask you.What is it that inspired you about ABC?

Me: Her commitment, loyalty, zeal.Her vision, at the same time I felt her kindness was selective and she was warm, but at the same time very opinionated.

She: So what is that you found challenging? 

Me:Yes, the position of power was there, but she didn't stand for people around her and she had a strong bias and could be very unkind at times.And that is not a very good human quality I said.And the control freak tendency....! 

She:Umm, OK, let's look at you. Where have you reached? 

Me: I know I'm honest with my purpose, commitment and I have  lots of love for people and I love healing the unhealed.

I'm very creative,Joyful, Charming and can get very naughty at times.....The Gypsy soul.

She :Now where you are, what is it that you find most  challenging, you have all the power today.

Me: Accepting certain behaviour types.

She: But...but yes.Wait, that acceptance  has to be there with Boundaries.

The power that we always give to others is through our Emotional Reactions.

The pause.


Gwyneth said…
PAUSE PRAY PROCEED. Pause button. The one I always forget.
Self opiniated! I am! Who else will let me know I'm better than OK, but myself.? But I don't have to let everyone else know. Let it be my internal secret knowledge. EGO. EASING GOD OUT.

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