The changing me....

The bundle of clothes...waiting to go  BTB ...back to box not back to breath.The changing season.
The long hours of sitting in one room..the joy of reading and writing with my new pen..reflection is the offshoot.I love hibernating.Afterall each moment of every year has its own beauty.The process is very energising and fascinating for me.
      How do you manage being single asked a school time friend.Isn't  it too boring..insecure..dull..da da da da.How do you manage being with someone? I asked . THE SACRED PAUSE.
     No life is easy.We always have a choice.I read somewhere...Being single carries stigma.It is considered such a failure which may mess with your self worth, identity , confidence.Well it can happen to people in relationship or married people too.Depends on the narrative.
      We are all dealing with something that is called ' life"and 'a life'.Spirit matters.The enigma.
        Summer wine 🍷and thinking best out of the box.


Unknown said…
Wowww very nice 👍
Gwyneth said…
Well said. We all have something good in our lives and maybe things to deal with. For me my spiritual connection is priority in my life. Spirituality keeps me sober. Being sober keeps me in touch with MY reality. Different to yours in many ways, and yet the same.
Dimple said…
Very well put and expressed. Extremely relatable..

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