The power of questions.
Sheena was confused about deciding about a particular person as her potential partner and it was getting deeper every time she would meet him.
One of the tool in the Therapy session is ‘Space it out ‘. I asked her to “totally disconnect ‘ from the person for three days.Ask yourself questions like,what ‘stops’ me from committing to him? Sheena was definitely clearer and stronger with her decision after this exercise.
In the next session she shared that she locked herself in her room for few hours to unlock her doubts and all she did was asked herself some thoughtful questions.
How do you feel about it,I asked her.
Empowered,she replied.
Do you want to ask yourself anything?
I keep asking myself, Do I really want to be single or am I afraid of getting responsibilities and giving commitments.
The answer I always get is the commitment issue.
It is always 60% commitment issue and 20% responsibility and 10% fear of getting trapped.
I know what is happening with me as I keep asking myself these questions to acknowledge the state of my mind. Now that I know what is happening with me, I really want to find a solution to it.