Such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life
is rounded with a sleep. William Shakespeare
The feeling of self-esteem for a women comes from relationships, and
then being able to express feelings is very important Women a synonym
with nurturing are known to be more comfortable with their emotional
life than are men. I have worshipped woman as the living embodiment of
the spirit of service and sacrifice.
Mohandas Gandhi
Men more likely see themselves as lone figures in a strange world
and are known to be having the problem called male alexthymia which
describes how difficult it is for many men to express their feelings
in words These differences find their way into the dreams.
Abhiruchi Sunderlal a trainer with ICICI Prudential says “I often
dream of having a nice cup of tea with my spouse in the balcony of my
house, engaged in a peaceful conversation.” The simple rule of the
dream is they respond to whichever area your energies are focused on.
Women are raised in the world of emotion, and if self-esteem for them
comes from relationships, then being able to express feelings are very
Research on differences in Dreaming among men and women has shown that
they do have significantly disparate dreams, most likely because of
differences in both biology and social conditioning.
Naveen Johnson An Area Manager with TATA ING Life insurance often
dreams of flying a BMW in the air, not driving on the road, with his
wife and kid. The scenes of flying are attributed by Freud to the
natural ambition of people to fly high in life. The hidden desires are
sometimes fulfilled via dreams. A study by pioneering psychologist
Robert Van de Castle found that dreams may be sex-differentiated in
children as young as age three.
Some dreams may foreshadow happenings Calpurnia foresaw in her dream
the assassination of Julius Caesar. She saw in her dream the statue of
Julius Caesar being transformed into a fountain from which spouted not
water, but blood and the Roman citizens smilingly washing their hands
in his blood.
Gurtoj, a fortune card reader says she often sees a ladder in her
dreams. The ladder that she is climbing has five steps, which she
believes are the five objectives of humankind "Purusharthas
,Dharam,arth kam.moh and moksha .Expressing her belief in the A.
Parthasarathy the Vedanta scholar’s philosophy of renunciation in
action not of the action, she adds that I don’t believe in moksha
only after death but it is right her, at this moment. We just have to
get liberated from the thought. Specializing in relationship healings,
she often dreams of stitching a cloth. To move on with a very light
baggage in life it is very important that we give our 100 percent to
each and every relationship.
Akhilesh (name changed) a lawyer often dreams of a woman chasing him
with a knife… times killing him. Trust can rust the personal and
professional goals. Adultery causes dreams of anger and loss. Edgar
Cayce an American who claimed to be a psychic with the ability to
channel answers to questions on subjects such as health or Atlantis
while in a self-induced trance .He said Dreams may contain symbols,
although they tend to be highly individual, just like the dreams
themselves are. Proficient dream analysis can help us diagnose health
problems, encourage us in the decisions we make, or reprimand us for
negative behavior.
Rakesh Kumar a sports coach with Vivek High School has been seeing
flowing water in his dreams. In the same water he is swimming in his
dreams. The dream clearly reflects his emotion flowing like water.
Swimming reflects his action, which he is performing to reach the
goals. Raman Maharishi, the great south Indian age said, if you are
lost you will be guided. The best way is to question yourself: Who am
I? This will address the conflict.

The human mind is like a nomad. I am often wandering excitingly in my
dreams, enjoying the new discoveries of life each day, says Sangeeta
Jain a Volunteer with Sorem, school for the special children. The
content of most dreams is dreamt only once, many people experience
recurring dreams - that is, the same dream narrative is experienced
over different occasions of sleep. Up to 70% of females and 65% of
males report recurrent dreams.
Nothing happens unless first we dream. - Carl Sandburg. What is the
emotional feeling in the dream and what is the mood when you wake up
help a great deal in making us understand the deeper meaning of our



Gurjot Kohli said…
A very insightful article :)

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