16 For a long time I have been seeing my ex-boyfriend in my dreams along with my husband and I am in between trying to decide which direction to move in. -phoenix v 20 Feb 10
Hi Phoenix.The first thing which is very important to visualize in your dream is that there is something that you are seeing for a long time……..which means it is happening repeatedly in your life.No doubt it has become a routine of your thought process.Now the mind would only think again and again about something which is important for the mind.
Your ex is seen in your dreams again and again……which is your past.But then your husband is also a part of the dream journey.
TO decide that which direction you should move in,you have to see your priority.In any relationship it is the sincerity that matters.
17Hi, this is about my sister, who is 20 years old. She keeps getting dreams about bunch of people burning her but can never see their face. What could this be? Just a dream?- -Anonymous 20 Feb 10
dreaming about something or someone burning means you have a lot of regret about something, or you are very angry or anxious about something.
In dreams we can do things that we could never get away with in real life. Burning shows that something,some people have caused change in your life and you were not expecting it.
I keep on seeing toilet and burial ground in my dream,it is happening almost in my every dream,I am much worried about this,Could u let me knw y dis is happening to me. - Aruna Priya 20 Feb 10
Toilet symbolizes cleansing. There is something in your life that yo want t get away from.Burial ground shows that you want t put an end to something.It may be a habit!
Rather than worrying about what you are seeing in your dreams ,just work on your emotions.Try to ana,yse what is troubling
Rather than worrying about what you are seeing in your dreams ,just work on your emotions.Try to analyze what is troubling you and why?
19 hello i got very disgusting dream 3times not regularly 3 days, around 3-4 months gap. The dream is me and my father r having sex. i want to know tht what does it mean? i never ever think this in life ..i just don't know y i had this dream 3 times ..plz reply - -Anonymous 21 Feb 10
Dreams of having sexual intercourse with one's parent (usually a boy having sex with his mother or a girl having sex with her father) are common and unless acted upon in one's conscious or "waken" state do not represent a problem.
As your body physically matures, both outwardly (i.e., in appearance) and internally (i.e., hormones, etc.) it is preparing itself for "reporduction". That is one of the main purposes of life (it keep the species going).
In your subconscious, you are beinging to express your physical readiness to procreate. You also chose a symbol for your partner that is very common, i.e., your father, who is probably someone who has been good to you, helped you to grow up by protecting you, providing for you and nuturing your physical and psychological development. He is also probably someone whom you trust and feel comfortable with. All of these traits may well describe what you might be looking for in a life partner and so, in your dream state, you used your father's image as a symbol for the partner you are seeking.
By the fact that you enjoyed your sexual experience in the dream, you may be expressing a very healthy out look towards sex, i.e., that sex is a "good" thing, is hopefully physically and emptionally satisfying and will take place with a partner with whom you will be comfortable, and with whom you will have a lifetime relationship with.
The aspect of the depression of loosing one's virginity may simply be the angst of realizing the changes that occur when one grows up. Think of this as the movememts associated with going from being a "little girl" into becoming a young adult. Most person, to a greater or lesser degree, would love to be able to hold on and retain their childhood, which is often a very happy and carefree time when one is provided for , protected, loved, etc., without many of the worries and responsibilities associated with being a self sustaining adult.
What does all of this say about your "psychological state"? It says that you are probably a healthy, normal young lady who is growing up and preparing for adulthood, adult relationships and a normal life.
Don't run off for "years of therapy", most of which is not worth while and can and often is of more harm than good. Western psychology is set up to "vicitmize", i.e., poor you, you are a vicitim, it is somebody elses fault. The reality is, we make our choices, whether consciously or unconsciously and we necessarily must live with the consequences of our actions, thoughts, the feeling we create, the desires we bury ourselves in, etc. If you do seek some form of counseling, I would recommend Eastern or Buddhist psychological counseling as it seems so much healthier than its Western counter part.
i Keep getting this dream of a car coming very close to me and about to bang me. Of late it comes even closer. As though it's just almost going to bang me. Please help me analyze it - -jyoti 0 Hours 0 Mins
You are just afraid of a challenge,You maybe wanting to get into something but too scared of getting hurt.