
hi gargi. i am 22yrs old. m finishin up with my masters. of late i have been having dreams in which i am doing things which are completely opposite of the kind of person i am. also i have dreaming on and off about a guy who hurt me. what could it mean? lookin 4ward to ur reply 20 april

Dreams can definitely surprise us !! yes sometimes we do get visions which are contrary to what we are and what we are thinking to do.The difference is in the… what we do and what we ought to do.
When you are clear about things around you, you will not get conflicting dreams.
You are dreaming about the guy because you are thinking about him. There was a hurt in the relationship. My advice to you is release the energy. Look ahead. Till the time you are stuck with what has already happened, unpleasant dreams would continue to be the theme of your sleep

hi gargi i saw you when i need you the most. I use to see aregular dream that i have fallen tooth .it give me pain unable me to speak,not one or two the whole set of teeth fall one by one or sometime together while talking. This dream depress me as this is sometimes frequent. Pls help me why this happens and what shoul i avoid to get rid of this ? Thnx take care 18 april

Control you emotions!! That is what you need to do at the moment.Teeth falling out indicates some emotional issues which are coming up in your dreams.Be very confident in what ever you are dealing with.

hi mam this is shikha here n its a bit private..actually from past few months i see weddinds in my dreams.marraige of myself,n my other relatives..n this disturbs me a lot as m a student m not able to concentrate on my studies..also when i wake up,for half hour i almost forget everything that happened to me in reality n kind of live the life of my dream..please help me on this. 18 apr

Shikha you are may be thinking a lot about your marriage.And about certain people in the family.
It happens and will happen t you too. At the moment focus on you studies. To concentrate better, after every hour do deep breathing for few minutes.
At the same time the possibility of new things happening in your life cannot be ruled out. Since marriage is a new life and that is what you see happening to you.

I saw myself accompained with my parents to a place,an army hospital,to meet the man whom I love works,as we are walking by a place he passes us,does not look back and we could only see his back,so could not talk,meet or even see him,so we come back by car.What does this dream mean and what future it indicates about my future with this person?can you pl tell? 17 apr

There is a language beyond words, phrases and symbols. Silence is a very powerful language. The person you see in your dreams is giving you a silent message. Comprehend that message. The time for you is to be silent and watch for the things to happen on its own.

why do i see dreams of falling of teeth. 16 april;

You are running down on some emotions.There may be some instance in the near future which can lead to an emotional outburst.Nothing should be more important to you than your peace of mind.

why do i see myself drowning in to the sea however I come out of it safely 16 april

Sea and water life in the dreams is related to emotions. What ever you are doing at this point in life, be cautious that it does not impact your emotions in a negative manner.
As your dream indicates, you may be getting into certain emotions, which impact you r life. But how you deal with them is on you. You dream does foretell that you face the challenges with all the strength. Tolerance is a power.

i always dream that my crush proposes me but in my real life it doesnt happen 16 april

Ninety percent of the things that we imagine in life do not happen. God has great plans. Wait and watch.What you are desiring is what you are seeing in the dreams.

my dob is 10 april 84, my father is iss and hospitilized after having brain tumor and doctors have said he has short life. before operation i had few dreams about : just one/half months before operation i had dream that some body informing that nothing will happen to my father and once i had a dream where my self and my brother were questioning lord yama how long will our father live for which he said 10 years. After that I had few positive dream s and few negative dreams. Wha t ithe meaning of these dreams. 11 april

Dear it is amazing that your questions are being answered in dreams that to by lord Yamraja.Faith can move mountains. So can you move our fathers health with your positive thinking and vibrations.
At the same time it is important to realize that each and ever soul on this earth has a purpose and a role. They only participate till they are requires to fulfill a particular role.
Pray as much as you can. You will get a lot of answers.


You are my dear looking for your love in the people. The fact is that your love is in you. Introspect to find your love. It will happen to you sooner than you think

hi gargi, I dreamed that i m doing pooja of godess with my family n frnds suddenly my granny changed and goddes come into her body and saying something good things to me..i dont remember what she said...i saw this dream in early morning..what this does it mean? 9 apr

You are definitely blessed with certain divine powers. Keep them safe with you. Be very careful about who you share your energies with.Dedicate your life to this goddess.

i Dreamt , i was talking to someone and then in my dream i went into a flashback , in which i was running trying to escape in a green meadow 8 april

You want to try something in your life.You will open out to some one and then take a back step.The best way to remain unaffected by the dual nature of the world is to adopt a detached outlook .Be merely a spectator. Remain even minded in praise, insult. success and failure. Everlasting happiness or bliss which is free from any opposite aspect ,comes from inside, the inner soul. Practice yoga and meditation to reach this stage.


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